The Belmont® Rapid Infuser RI-2通常使用在肝臟移植手術、外傷、產後大出血或是其他大量失血的情況。但你可能不知道的是貝爾曼特也廣泛使用在世界各地的軍醫院並挽救了數千名士兵與平民的生命特別是中東戰爭期間。事實上,貝爾曼特許多設計概念就來自於美國軍方的反饋。
貝爾曼特時常會收到來自軍醫院的來信感謝貝爾曼特公司和員工,其中一封信描述:“我親眼見證許多士兵因為您們的輸液系統得以倖存下來,這要歸因於您們的系統能夠快速輸注血品“。不僅如此,在美國軍隊中甚至有為貝爾曼特專屬製作的軍隊臂章供其縫製在迷彩服上。這枚臂章設計概念來自美國海軍的軍艦旗,最上方有一行字“貝爾曼特輸血幫浦(Belmont Blood Pump)”、中間一條響尾蛇象徵著蓄勢待發以及最下方的一行字“死亡威脅不了我(Death Don’t Tread Me)”。
時至今日,除了美軍之外貝爾曼特也受到英國、荷蘭、波蘭、瑞典及韓國等軍方的親睞採用The Belmont® Rapid Infuser RI-2於軍方體系醫療團隊當中。

貝爾曼特輸液管理系統RI-2是一台廣泛使用在世界各地創傷中心(Trauma Center)、戰地醫院(Combat Hospital)的輸液系統。RI-2配備有專利乾式電磁熱交換器結合先進的處理器與機械裝置,可以加熱輸注液至人體體溫同時以最高1L/min的流速進行快速輸注。貝爾曼特也搭配有多個空氣、溫度、壓力感測器可以最大程度確保患者安全。輸注過程中,一旦偵測到空氣會在2-3秒內自動完成排氣,降低患者空氣栓塞(Air embolism)風險並減省手動排氣浪費掉的寶貴救命時間。內建電池可維持30分鐘運作讓患者從急診到ICU的運送過程中保持安全輸注。
-美國海軍預備役少校(United States Navy Reserve LCDR NC)
“I have operated the Belmont through hundreds of bags of blood. Many injuries here in Afghanistan are very traumatic, because of the enemies use of the IED (improvised explosive device), injuries such as multiple amputations of extremities, blast injuries, gunshot wounds, and others. Your pump has given me witness to bringing multiple GI back to life, because of the rapid administration of blood products your pump provides.”
-美國陸軍麻醉護理師(Army CRNA)
“Thanks to the Belmont system, we were able to transfuse large amounts of life sustaining blood products (including whole blood) and fluids in a short amount of time. Without a doubt in my mind, the Belmont helped to save the lives of countless U.S. coalition and Iraqi soldiers and civilians.”
-美國陸軍麻醉護理師(Army CRNA)
“We were able to sustain their lives long enough so the surgeons could fix them. When we were in Baghdad we pumped over 100 units of blood products through the Belmont on this single patient, and ten years ago . . . he would not have lived.”
-美國海軍預備役少校(United States Navy Reserve LCDR NC)
1.Our Products have been used by the ARMY, NAVY, AIR FORCE and Marines to help save lives.
2.Scott Airman provides deploying medics critical skills needed to save lives
3.Polish Military Adopts The Belmont® Rapid Infuser, Used to Treat Severely Wounded
4.Belmont Instrument wins Dutch military order