諾華(Novartis)、凱德(Kite Pharma)、朱諾(Juno)是免疫細胞療法的代表性公司。其中,諾華及凱德各自研發的Kymriah、Yescarta是目前全球唯二獲得FDA批准上市的CAR-T治療產品,朱諾則正積極爭取成為第三家。世界上研究CAR-T的生技公司不在少數,何以它們能率先進入市場,三者間是否有共通點可供大家借鑒?
檢視三家公司的專利文件、文獻資料可以發現製程優化的方向一致在於簡化流程、導入自動化、縮短生產時間。值得注意的是諾華、凱德及朱諾無獨有偶都在製程裡導入了一項設備 – Sepax細胞血球分離機作為優化的一環顯示其重要性。以下說明諾華、凱德及朱諾在各自製程中是如何使用Sepax細胞血球分離機。

The Sepax 2 RM device (Biosafe) was used to wash thawed leukopak cells to remove subcellular debris, free hemoglobin and cryoprotectants, to achieve volume reduction, and to enable subsequent Ficoll density gradient separation.
Operators performed the Sepax 2 NeatCell protocol and where the protocol called for Ficoll, it was replaced with OptiPrep. FIG. 18 shows a schematic on how the Sepax 2 NeatCell single use disposable tubing kit (Biosafe CS900.2) is configured with the cell and medium bags.
Novartis Ag, Methods of making chimeric antigen receptor -expressing cells, WO/2017/117112, 2017-07-06

凱德導入Sepax後主要運用在細胞減量、密度梯度離心分離以及細胞洗滌。下圖左側為美國癌症研究所(National Cancer Institute, NCI)開發的CAR-T流程,右側為經凱德優化後的流程,優化後的流程以Sepax取代手動Ficol離心、細胞洗滌(活化後、培養後),比起原先製程更具封閉性並縮短生產期:

Cells of the leukapheresis sample were washed and resuspended in a selection buffer for affinity-based selection, the buffer containing PBS, EDTA, and human serum albumin.The wash was carried out within a sterile, single-use disposable kit sold by Biosafe SA for use in regenerative medicine, which included a centrifugal processing chamber (A-200F). The transfer pack containing the cells and a bag containing the buffer were sterilely connected to the kit, which was placed in association with a Sepax 2® 2 processing unit.
……….略Beads were mixed in selection buffer described above, which then was sterilely connected to the apparatus. A program was run on the Sepax® 2 unit which caused the bead mixture and selection buffer to be drawn into the chamber with the washed cells, and the contents of the chamber to be mixed for 30 minutes.
Juno Therapeutics, Inc., Production of engineered cells for adoptive cell therapy, WO/2018/106732, 2018-06-14

多用途 – 使用具彈性。
高再現 – 減少人為介入,產出高一致性。
高擴充 – 隨時可依需求擴充軟體、產能。
高效率 – 依功能不同僅需執行30~120分鐘。
高安全 – 封閉式系統、一次性耗材。
小巧輕變 – 容易導入現行設施規劃。
合規 – GMP-compatible
[1].Novartis Ag, Methods of making chimeric antigen receptor -expressing cells, WO/2017/117112, 2017-07-06
[2].Lu,TangyingLilyet al, “A Rapid Cell Expansion Process for Production of Engineered Autologous CAR-T Cell Therapies.”, Human gene therapy methods vol. 27,6 (2016): 209-218. doi:10.1089/hgtb.2016.120
[3].Kite Pharma, Inc., Methods for producing autologous T cells useful to treat B cell Malignancies and other cancers and compositions thereof, WO/2015/120096A3, 2015-11-12
[4].Juno Therapeutics, Inc., Production of engineered cells for adoptive cell therapy, WO/2018/106732, 2018-06-14