儘管目前尚未傳出病人受傷或死亡的通報,FDA已將其歸類為第一級召回(Class I),這是最嚴重的召回等級,意味著使用該設備可能會導致嚴重的人身傷害甚至死亡。
“I do not agree that less toxic is a sufficient reason to continue their use and especially so when they are being used in individuals who are already critically ill.”[2]
Christopher Exley, The Birchall Centre, Lennard-Jones Laboratories, Keele University
無鋁毒疑慮 『貝爾曼特輸液管理系統』
The Belmont® Rapid Infuser RI-2使用專利電磁加溫技術、醫療等級不鏽鋼熱交換器,全品項耗材不含鋁、無鋁毒疑慮。點擊按鍵,即刻為您執行快速、可靠、除氣的輸液、輸血治療。

[1].Smisson-Cartledge Biomedical, LLC Recalls ThermaCor 1200 Disposable Sets for Risk of Patient Contact to Aluminum
[2].Exley C. Aluminium-based fluid warmers are not proven to be safe. Anaesthesia. 2020 Jun;75(6):833. doi: 10.1111/anae.15013. PMID: 32383512.
[3].Perl T, Kunze-Szikszay N, Bräuer A, Roy T. Quantified aluminium levels released into blood and fluids using the Level 1 Fast Flow Fluid Warmer. Anaesthesia. 2020 Jun;75(6):834. doi: 10.1111/anae.15020. PMID: 32383510.
[4].Mold M, Linhart C, Gómez-Ramírez J, Villegas-Lanau A, Exley C. Aluminum and Amyloid-β in Familial Alzheimer’s Disease. J Alzheimers Dis. 2020;73(4):1627-1635. doi: 10.3233/JAD-191140. PMID: 31958088.