Use of The Belmont® Rapid Infuser in TAAA Repair
Studies have shown many blood and fluid warmers leach unsafe levels of aluminum into infusates, which has led to the US FDA and global regulatory bodies issuing safety notices and recalls of affected warmers.
Packed RBC、FFP、全血、血小板、Cryo哪些可以輸液加溫、快速輸液,哪些是禁忌?
The FDA declared that the recall of an emergency infusion device kit which warms fluids directly with an aluminum plate, may leak aluminum into the fluids and expose patients to high levels of the metal.
貝爾曼特完成品牌重塑計畫(Rebranding),接下來會以新名稱『貝爾曼特醫療科技(Belmont Medical Technologies) 』亮相,更專注於提供客戶『創新醫療解決方案』。